Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Becoming Children of God - part II

Yesterday, I discussed how self-described Christians were misinterpreting the concept of being a child of God. See "Becoming Children of God" for a review. The bottom line is that those who claim that individuals engaged in homosexual behavior are children of God because God created them and loves them destroy the very need for Jesus Christ and redemption.

But there is a second part that needs to be addressed: How then do we treat the sinner in our midst in a biblical and Christ-like manner?

The first point we need to remember is that we are the sinner in our midst. Activists have assaulted us with their homosexual agenda. In standing against that assault Christians need to remember that homosexual behavior is a symptom of our sinful nature just as heterosexual acts outside the confines of marriage. The same for things like adultery, murder, gossip, etc.

We are all created by God. This is where the "open and accepting" churches have it right. They Open their congregations to those engaging in homosexual behavior.

Unfortunately, these churches turn from dealing with the sin thereby implicitly loving only the physical body while ignoring the soul. Instead, they Accept the sin.

The proper Christian response is to come along side those who are in sin (here I do not speak of merely homosexual sin but any sin in which people are engaged) and help them. Be an accountability partner, pray with them, rejoice with them when they are victorious in their self-discipline, and provide a shoulder on which to cry when they fail.

This is true biblical love. This is allowing God's love shine through us onto the individual in spiritual need.

Unfortunately, the "open and accepting" churches have redefined love to mean "no condemnation". Well, more precisely, love is "no condemnation" toward behaviors that they deem acceptable. They jettison God's justice in favor of God's love seemingly unawares that without the justice of God there cannot be the love of God in any meaningful sense.

So they say to those of us that do have a heart for those in homosexual activity that we are not loving because we won't turn our heads and let them go about how they want to live.

That would actually be fine with me, if it was my creation. But it's not; it's God's creation. He designed it and us. He set forth the rules.

I can't make anyone turn their face toward God. That's between them and God. But for those who truly are seeking to come under the Lordship of Christ there are many Christians who long to show you the love of Christ and help you bear the struggles because they care about your eternal souls.

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