This is the third in a four part series.
Paul Holmes writes:
Third, I would expect White, if he is a practicing Christian, to not engage in homosexual activities. That would certainly be against his beliefs. But keep the practice of your beliefs within you own circle of believers.
Holmes' belief that one should "keep the practice of your beliefs within your own circle of believers" is his belief. He is saying that others who do not share his particular beliefs regarding homosexuality should abide by his belief. That is hypocritical.
By the way, since Holmes was worried about adhering only to what the gospels say, Jesus did have something explicit to say about hypocrisy (see Matthew 7:1-6). Namely, don't do it.
And, of course, Jesus commanded his followers to "go and make disciples of all nations ... and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." (Mt 28:19-20)
If Holmes is really worried about Christians following what Jesus and the Gospels taught, he would be praising Christians for not keeping "the practice of [their] beliefs within [their] own circle of believers." Praise is not forth coming because adherence to Jesus' teachings is not Holmes' goal.
There is something even more troubling than Holmes' self-refuting morality. In his letter, White directed his comments at Christians. White states, "what are you Christians thinking when you vote for a lifestyle contrary to the teachings of Christ." Holmes is condemning White precisely for "practicing his beliefs within his own circle of believers."
It appears that Holmes believes that Christians should not have a voice nor have a vote in matters where they do not agree with Holmes' worldview.
That view is profoundly arrogant in its anti-intellectualism.
Next post: Holmes' claim that If Christians must crusade to do so against divorce which "tens of millions" of Christians have engaged and to leave gays and lesbians have equal protection under the law.
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