Thursday, September 18, 2008

Brad Pitt Donates to Support Polygamy

E! Online reports that "Brad Pitt Shells Out in Support of Gay Marriage". Pitt states:
"Because no one has the right to deny another their life, even though they disagree with it, because everyone has the right to live the life they so desire if it doesn't harm another and because discrimination has no place in America, my vote will be for equality and against Proposition 8".
I'm curious as to Pitt's view on polygamy or polyamory. If he supports those then he would be consistent with his stated view. He would also be in the minority since very, very few same-sex marriage supporters advocate other types of relationships as marriage.

If Pitt rejects those relationships as being marriage, then why? After all, if "everyone has the right to live the life they so desire" and "discrimination has no place in America" then on what grounds, Brad - on what grounds - do you deny any type of relationship that human beings want to define as marriage?

What is this notion of equality for which you will cast your vote? Homosexuals already have the same rights to marriage as every other citizen. Everyone has the right to marry someone of the opposite gender. We all have equality.

Same-sex marriage advocates counter that homosexuals cannot marry whomever they want. If being able to marry whomever one wants is the criteria for marriage then same-sex marriage advocates should be supporting polygamy, sibling marriages, and plural marriages also.

Yet they do not!

With these relationships, same-sex marriage advocates suddenly become - well - quite traditional in their views on marriage.

Same-sex marriage isn't about equality. It is about legitimizing homosexual relationships by making them special in the same way as heterosexual relationships. Saying all relationships are special (i.e. equal) is - to paraphrase Dash in "The Incredibles":

"Another way of saying no [relationship] is."

I encourage everyone to vote for equality and in favor of Proposition 8. Vote to keep true marriage equality in the state of California.
Scan of the Marriage Initiative

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