What rights are to be secured? The Declaration tells us that governments secure “inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”
So when a candidate takes an oath to uphold the Constitution they are taking an oath to secure these inalienable rights.
While no candidate perfectly embodies the principles of the Declaration, I will cast my vote for President on behalf of Senator John McCain for the following reasons:
John McCain holds to the scientific fact that life begins at conception. Barak Obama says that knowing when life begins or when one obtains rights is above his pay grade. But if you do not know when life or rights begin then how do you know that the very abortion policies you uphold do not end a life or deny a right? While McCain is wrong to support embryonic stem cell research, he is far and away closer to holding the inalienable right of life than Obama.
Second, McCain would appoint judges who hold to the intent of the Constitutional Framers and therefore the Declaration. Obama would appoint judges who have “empathy”. Empathy may be in the scope of the legislative branch but it is not within the purpose of judges. Judges are to wield justice based on a standard which is defined in our Constitution.
If judges can make up what the Constitution says as the go along (the living document concept) then a mini Constitutional Convention convenes every time the judges meet. Plus, one wonders why there was a need to have a section on Amendments in the Constitution.
Advantage: McCain
Obama says he will “fundamentally transform America.” A fundamental is the foundation or the essential elements of something. Our nation’s foundation is stated in the Declaration of Independence. If you “fundamentally transform” something you are changing it’s foundation. Obama doesn’t say explicitly how he will “fundamentally transform America” but we have some clues.
For example, his “spread the wealth” comment. Are we really supposed to believe that the Founders believed the government should take money from those who earned it and give it to those who didn’t earn it? Especially given that they did not institute an income tax but raised revenue through tariffs. How is using the force of government to take money from you and give it to me an example of Liberty? That’s not liberty. That’s compulsion.
Advantage: McCain
Pursuit of Happiness:
The Founders didn’t mean by happiness that I do whatever I want. They meant the pursuit of the common good. They recognized that only a limited government could pursue the common good. They were afraid of a strong central government. This was why our first government was framed under the Articles of Confederation. The Articles, however, provided for too weak of a government. However, the Constitution was nearly not ratified because of fears that it would lead to too strong a government.
McCain has been a staunch opponent of pork spending and, for the most part, limiting government to it’s constitutional framework. Obama wants to increase government drastically – universal health care, universal pre-school, etc. Obama wants to raise taxes not to raise revenue but for “fairness”. But it is only “fair” to those of whom he approves.
Advantage: McCain
Senator McCain is much closer to the principles of the Declaration and the Constitution which secures them than is Senator Obama. It is not even close. That is why I am voting for John McCain to be our next President of the United States.
Previous posts on the Presidential race:
Spreading the Wealth
Senator Obama’s Halloween Message
The Columbian Endorses Obama
Columbian Endorses Obama – Pt. 2
Columbian Endorses Obama – Leadership
Columbian Endorses Obama – Judgment
Columbian Endorses Obama – Iraq War
Updated: To add links for the Previous Post section.
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