Monday, June 13, 2005

The Christian Mind Tackles the Problem of Evil

Several weeks ago, Stand to Reason mentioned The Christian Mind blog. Keith Plummer brings critical Christian thinking to a variety of issues in the public square. In an era when many people believe Christianity to be ignorant, Plummer harkens back to the tradition of the greatest thinkers of Western civilization; many of whom were Christians. I have added his blog to the nContx list of links.

Today, Plummer posts an online discussion he had with an atheist regarding the problem of evil and appropriately titled "An Atheist's Problem with the Problem of Evil".


  1. Larry, thanks much for the link as well as for your very kind words. Now I will have to spend the rest of my life trying to attain to your description. (Couldn't you have set the bar just a little lower?)

  2. kp,
    I think you have a valuable blog so you are more than welcome for the link. I also sent your post to my friends and family also.

    As to setting the bar lower, we'd just get bored (unless you are referring to the West Indian dance where one bends over backwards and walks under a horizontal bar). ;)

    Keep up the good work.

