Not for their pathetic play between the foul lines. Not for possession of the worst record in Major League Baseball.
No. They are in trouble for removing two women from a game because someone complained they were kissing in the stands in front of a crowd that included children.
In an AP story, the Mariners stated the women were removed "because of their behavior - which included 'making out' and 'groping' in the stands - and not because of their sexual orientation." The Mariners told the women they "could continue to kiss, but they had to tone it down"; the women refused and they were removed.
Sirbrina Guerrero claimed that she and her "date" were not groping or doing anything different than a heterosexual couple seven rows in front of them.
Unfortunately for Guerrero, two women kissing or showing affection is very different from a heterosexual couple kissing or showing affection.
Homosexuals claim they are born with a internal sexual desire or orientation toward people of the same gender. However, they are also born with the physical sexual organs that are made for the opposite gender.
Two women showing affection may be satisfying their internal desire but they are at odds with their physical organs. This is an inherent contradiction between their two natures. This is why the homosexual movement emphasizes internal subjective sexual orientation and de-emphasizes their external objective sexual orientation. They must distract from the natural contradiction with which they are born.
When a man and woman show affection, however, they are in keeping with both their internal subjective sexual orientation (i.e. a desire for the opposite gender) and also their external physical objective sexual organs (i.e. genitalia which is made for the opposite gender). There is no contradiction.
This is why people are uncomfortable with these types of public displays and why they would have to explain to their families; because their is a natural contradiction between the two natures. Some would say that is just a societal norm that is unenlightened.
The question is why would society even have such a norm in the first place? Because it is a basic fundamental observation of nature that opposite genders are made for each other. To deny that is to deny the way the world actually is (aka. reality).
Of course, the mouthpieces of the Gay "Equality" Totalitarian Movement (GET'M) dutifully attacked the Mariners.
A spokesman for the totally misnamed Equal Rights Washington stated, "Certain individuals have not yet caught up. Those people see a gay or lesbian couple and they stare or say something." Sex-advice columnist Dan Savage called for a "kiss-in" to protest the Mariners.
All of which raises a thought. Activists for the homosexual movement are offended by this. They paint themselves as victims of intolerance. But activists never concern themselves with how they are offending others.
In fact, they justify their offending of others. Those who are offended by two women kissing in front of themselves and their children are called homophobes who "have not caught up yet".
The homosexual movement long ago jettisoned their struggle for true rights and now demands acceptance. If you don't accept them unconditionally then GET'M will get you. They will call you names. They will stage "kiss-ins". They will say and do whatever it takes to destroy your reputation.
One has to wonder what names these avatars of tolerance would call you if they were not so "tolerant".
The sad part is that even if the homosexual movement manages to force everyone to accept them they'll still be missing something; coherency between their internal sexual desires and their physical sexual organs. Their nature is out of sync.
Perhaps Dan Savage can do a "kiss-in" protest against nature.
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