Monday, June 02, 2008

Senator Edward Kennedy

Great news!

Senator Edward Kennedy's surgery today to remove his malignant brain tumor was successful according to a statement by the surgeon as reported by

I am amazed at our technological abilities. The report stated that Sen. Kennedy was awake during part of the surgery.
"after cutting into Kennedy's skull, Dr. Allan Friedman — the surgeon wielding the scalpel — had to find a pathway through the brain to get at the tumor. For this he needed the patient's conscious help to avoid damaging brain cells essential for speech, movement and other important functions."
I find that incredible. I wonder what Kennedy was thinking during this time. One has to have some level of apprehension and yet to have to stay calm in order to communicate with the doctors.

The report says that Kennedy will require further treatment like chemo. And they report that "regardless of how well Kennedy's body tolerates these treatments, he will be facing a cancer with a high rate of mortality."

Here is to Senator Kennedy's successful recovery. But if the cancer wins, I pray that Kennedy will not suffer, that the peace that is found in Jesus Christ will encompass him and his family, and that through this strength he will be a model of dignity for others facing any deadly disease.

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