Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The "Gays Can't Marry" Myth

Same-sex marriage advocates claim they are fighting for the right for homosexuals to marry.

The fact is homosexuals have always had the same rights to marriage as every other citizen. They simply must adhere to the exact same criteria to which every other citizen must adhere, that is, everyone can marry someone of the opposite gender who they are not too closely related and to which both meet any age requirements.

Homosexuals counter that this criteria discriminates against them because they cannot marry whomever they wish. But no one has the right to marry whomever they wish. You cannot marry a nine-year old. You cannot marry your sibling.

In fact, same-sex marriage advocates do not want those types of relationships to be recognized as marriage, either. In other words, they are perfectly fine with promoting marrying whomever one wants as long as it only applies to a same-sex relationship.

Once the argument their arguments are applied to other types of relationships, same-sex marriage advocates suddenly have no problem discriminating.

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