Wednesday, February 13, 2008

NARAL's Deadly Deception

In the Seattle PI article, "Pro-choice group says Plan B unavailable at 10 percent of state pharmacies", Tom Paulson reports:

"One of the state's leading pro-choice organizations has issued a Web-based, interactive map that shows which pharmacies in Washington either don't stock or refuse to provide customers with an emergency contraceptive drug known as Plan B."

'I was astounded at how many,' said Karen Cooper, executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Washington".

I have to admit I laughed at Cooper's comment. If Plan B is unavailable at 10% of pharmacies that means that it is available at 90%. But then I continued to read more:
"one out of 10 pharmacies in the state either do not stock the drug or employ at least one pharmacist who refuses to dispense it."
Thus, NARAL counted pharmacies as unavailable if one pharmacist objected even if that pharmacy stocked Plan B and another pharmacist is available to dispense it.

In other words, the 10% figure is over-inflated! In fact later, the article specifies that "3 percent reported having at least one pharmacist on the premises who refuses to dispense the drug."

Of course, NARAL isn't content with over 90% availability. They backed a state of Washington regulation that mandated pharmacists to dispense Plan B even if it violated the pharmacist's conscience. That regulation is currently being challenged in federal court.

The article also quotes Trina Stout who went to a pharmacy for Plan B and was "turned away." She accused the pharmacist of being "unsympathetic and rude." Stout and NARAL, of course, do not have a problem being "unsympathetic and rude" toward pharmacists who wish to practice their livelihood according to their own conscience.

Stout says she was left shaken. So what did the poor, ruthlessly victimized Stout do? Well. she left and obtained "Plan B at another pharmacy."

In other words, the pharmacy had the liberty to refuse business that violated their conscience and Stout had the liberty to go to a pharmacy that would give her what she wanted.

Trudi Inslee, wife of Rep. Jay Inslee D-Wash and a NARAL Pro-Choice Washington board member (geez, I wonder how much federal dollars NARAL receives) says Plan B is not an abortion pill because it prevents the release or fertilization of the egg. Yet, this is deception by ommission. Accordingt to FDA information on Plan B:
"If fertilization does occur, Plan B may prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the womb (implantation)."
In other words, it terminates a pregnancy. A unique, living human being exists (at conception) but is denied the chance to continue its development and thus its existence. An abortion also terminates a pregnancy thereby killing a unique, living human being!

NARAL's position amounts to forcing pharmacists to be a partner in the possible killing of a unique, living, vulnerable, defenseless, unborn human being.

But as the article states, "Inslee said it is unacceptable for a minority of pharmacists to block any woman's access to legal medication based upon their personal opinions or beliefs."

Liberty raising its ugly head in the state of Washington? Perish the thought.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Abraham Lincoln

Today, marks the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President under the U.S. Constitution. I find Lincoln to be a immense paradox. The trials of his private life and the trials of his public life.

His brilliance in the Lincoln-Douglas debates and his staunch view that slavery was wrong.

Yet, I'm convinced that his going to war against the seccessionist Southern states "in order to preserve the Union" was unconstitutional.

Had Lincoln not finally placed the war on the higher moral plane of abolishing slavery by issuing the Emancipation Proclamation, I suspect he may have gone down in history far less favorably.

I also wonder if he had lived what Reconstruction would have looked like and if the racial history in the United States would have been different. In short, if our wounds would have healed.

The following links provide some insights into Lincoln's life and times.

Biography of Lincoln

Northern Illinois University Lincoln Digitization Project. Contains interesting facts about Lincoln and some of his writings.

Library of Congress' Lincoln Collection
Library of Congress Exhibition on The Gettysburg Address
Lincoln Memorial
Civil War images
Emancipation Proclamation