Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day 2008

Today, marks the official government recognition of those who have sacrificed to protect out country and our liberties.

This year brings an added element to the gratitude we owe these men and women. Yesterday, President-elect Barak Obama traveled to the White House to visit and discuss the transition of power with President Bush.

We may dislike the long campaigns and the negative attacks of politics but once again we are watching a transition of power without violence and bloodshed. We are the greatest country on earth - despite our imperfections - because of the protective sacrifices of our Veterans.

Xerox Corporation also sponsors a site that lets you choose a thank you card and send it to a member of the U.S. Armed Services currently overseas. Go to http://www.letssaythanks.com/.

Let today be a reminder that every day we should have a heart of gratitude for our veterans and current members of the military.

Official White House statement

Thank You for Your Service

Monday, November 10, 2008

Columbian's Idea of Stimulating Conversation

On the morning of Election Day, the Columbian placed on their Opinion page the following a notice:

Columbian endorsements on the Web:
For individual endorsement editorials and other information about the Nov. 4 election, visit:

If the Columbian's endorsement editorials were really "offered to stimulate conversation than to change minds" as was stated in their editorial endorsing Barak Obama for President[1] (see post Columbian endorsed Barak Obama) then why does the Columbian direct readers to their endorsements on the morning of the election?

The time for discussion was over. The only reason to supply the endorsements at this point is that an individual may not have formed their decision yet and could go to the endorsements to see who the Columbian endorsed.

To claim that an editorial board writing an opinion distributed to thousands of readers won't influence anyone is naive enough. But then to direct said readers to those very opinions once the conversation is over and a decision needs to be rendered stretches incredulity.

If the Columbian doesn't believe their opinions are weighty enough "to change minds" than why should anyone believe those opinions are weighty enough "to stimulate conversation"?

[1] "In Our View: Obama for President", The Columbian, Oct. 16,2008.http://www.columbian.com/article/20081016/OPINION02/710169982/-1/opinion

Friday, November 07, 2008

USA Today's Post-election Thoughts

USA Today provided an editorial Post-election thoughts yesterday in which they claimed “When it comes to picking vice presidents, two firm rules apply. First, do no harm to your campaign. Second, pick someone who is ready to be president.”

Whatever harm was done to McCain wasn’t Palin’s fault. It was a media that was determined to destroy her. How many times were unsubstantiated negative reports published about Palin, only to be shown falacious later? Sometimes a retraction was printed but by then the damage was done.

Make an unsubstantiated claim, let people run with it, and say we were wrong (but not sorry) later. How many people that took the nuggets of deception actually saw the retraction? How many people, right up to election day, were still repeating completely false claims like Palin tried to ban books.

As for Palin not being ready for President. Neither she or Obama has any foreign policy experience but Palin had more executive experience than Obama. This is why Obama deceptively tried to compare his running a presidential campaign (with people who believe in his cause) to Palin as a mayor. Even though, at the time he was running a campaign, Palin was running a state government where she had to unite people from different factions and with different agendas. And even though he introduced his comparison by referring to Palin as Governor.

Palin was ruthlessly attacked as not ready and would be one heartbeat away from the presidency. Yet, if USA Today applied the same standard to Obama, he is far less ready to be the heartbeat of the presidency.

Joe Biden, during the VP debate, looked in the camera and lied that Obama had never claimed he would sit down with Ahmendijed without preconditions even though this same Joe Biden (along with Hillary Clinton and others) criticized Obama at the time for making that very statement. Yet, these and other intential false statements by Biden, not to mentioned his gaffes, should have harmed Obama's campaign yet the media viewed these with cataracts.

Let’s be honest. Why would the world need to test Barak Obama within six months of taking office (let alone Russia sending a message one day after the election) as Biden stated unless they wanted to see if he was ready to be president? Could it be that when Russia was pillaging Georgia, Obama stated, "Now is the time for Georgia and Russia to show retraint."?

Did the thought enter anyone's mind that the world would truly test McCain?

Perhaps, Palin simply needed to learn to lie through her teeth and learn to make authentic gaffes (something of which the media was happy to accuse her anyway) to be qualified to be president.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

President-elect Barak Obama

Congratulations to Senator Barak Obama on becoming the 44th President of these United States of America and our first black president.

While we may not agree with many of President-elect Obama's proposed policies, those of us that are Christians are nevertheless called to praye for him and our other leaders.

"First of all, then, I urge that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving s, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, in order that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior who desires all men to be ssaved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." - 1 Timothy 2:1-4

See Obama triumphs, will be first black president.

Determining My Presidential Vote

When determining for whom to cast my vote, I look for the candidate who will most closely uphold the Constitution of the United States (and his state constitution, if a state office). But the Constitution is merely the framework of government. The Declaration of Independence defines the purpose of government: “to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men”.

What rights are to be secured? The Declaration tells us that governments secure “inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

So when a candidate takes an oath to uphold the Constitution they are taking an oath to secure these inalienable rights.

While no candidate perfectly embodies the principles of the Declaration, I will cast my vote for President on behalf of Senator John McCain for the following reasons:

John McCain holds to the scientific fact that life begins at conception. Barak Obama says that knowing when life begins or when one obtains rights is above his pay grade. But if you do not know when life or rights begin then how do you know that the very abortion policies you uphold do not end a life or deny a right? While McCain is wrong to support embryonic stem cell research, he is far and away closer to holding the inalienable right of life than Obama.

Second, McCain would appoint judges who hold to the intent of the Constitutional Framers and therefore the Declaration. Obama would appoint judges who have “empathy”. Empathy may be in the scope of the legislative branch but it is not within the purpose of judges. Judges are to wield justice based on a standard which is defined in our Constitution.

If judges can make up what the Constitution says as the go along (the living document concept) then a mini Constitutional Convention convenes every time the judges meet. Plus, one wonders why there was a need to have a section on Amendments in the Constitution.
Advantage: McCain

Obama says he will “fundamentally transform America.” A fundamental is the foundation or the essential elements of something. Our nation’s foundation is stated in the Declaration of Independence. If you “fundamentally transform” something you are changing it’s foundation. Obama doesn’t say explicitly how he will “fundamentally transform America” but we have some clues.

For example, his “spread the wealth” comment. Are we really supposed to believe that the Founders believed the government should take money from those who earned it and give it to those who didn’t earn it? Especially given that they did not institute an income tax but raised revenue through tariffs. How is using the force of government to take money from you and give it to me an example of Liberty? That’s not liberty. That’s compulsion.
Advantage: McCain

Pursuit of Happiness:
The Founders didn’t mean by happiness that I do whatever I want. They meant the pursuit of the common good. They recognized that only a limited government could pursue the common good. They were afraid of a strong central government. This was why our first government was framed under the Articles of Confederation. The Articles, however, provided for too weak of a government. However, the Constitution was nearly not ratified because of fears that it would lead to too strong a government.

McCain has been a staunch opponent of pork spending and, for the most part, limiting government to it’s constitutional framework. Obama wants to increase government drastically – universal health care, universal pre-school, etc. Obama wants to raise taxes not to raise revenue but for “fairness”. But it is only “fair” to those of whom he approves.
Advantage: McCain

Senator McCain is much closer to the principles of the Declaration and the Constitution which secures them than is Senator Obama. It is not even close. That is why I am voting for John McCain to be our next President of the United States.

Previous posts on the Presidential race:
Spreading the Wealth
Senator Obama’s Halloween Message
The Columbian Endorses Obama
Columbian Endorses Obama – Pt. 2
Columbian Endorses Obama – Leadership
Columbian Endorses Obama – Judgment
Columbian Endorses Obama – Iraq War

Updated: To add links for the Previous Post section.

Columbian Endorses Obama - Iraq War

This is the fifth in a series of comments regarding The Columbian’s endorsement in the presidential campaign.

The Columbian claims that “any successful reformer must excel in leadership and judgment. In the past several months Obama has distanced himself as the superior candidate in those two areas.”

On the Iraq War, The Columbian says “Obama prefers a quicker withdrawal of troops than we would like, but his proven leadership and solid judgment indicate he can resolve the Iraq dilemma collaboratively.

Collaboratively means to work together. With whom exactly will Obama work that hasn’t already been done by the current administration?

Iraq? Pakistan? England? Great Britain? Already being done.

The UN? An organization which sits thugs on its Human Rights commission, routinely turns it s head from human rights violations (e.g. Darfur), has done nothing to stop Hezbollah rocket attacks into Israel, ran the Iraq Food for Oil scandal, and had at least 16 resolutions against Iraq and their weapons program.

France? Profiters from the Oil for Food scandal under Chirac. Maybe now under Sarkozy who wishes to work more closely with the U.S. than Chirac. But then that occurred under the current administration which is working with France.

al-Qaeda? As was famously pointed out, what would Obama say that would change their minds about killing us? Would he charm them with his intelligence, with his eloquence, with his movie star good-looks?

Obama, in fact, staunchly opposed the surge, a strategy recommended by General Petraeus and supported by Senator McCain. Obama continued to claim it was the wrong strategy even after it was clear the surge was working.

Then, when the situation on the ground in Iraq was becoming stable and the Iraqi’s started talking of a timetable for U.S. troop withdrawal, Obama audaciously claimed that the Iraqi’s were agreeing with his view that there needed to be a timetable on withdraw. But the Iraqi’s only talked about a timetable because the situation had improved so drastically; an improvement that came about by the very surge policy that Obama opposed.

Put another way, had Obama’s position prevailed the violence in Iraq would have continued (what was going to stop it – talk?). Or we would have left and Iraq would have likely descended into civil war where thousands of innocent people would have perished including those Iraqis who had the courage to stand along side us.

McCain was right. Obama was wrong. Where was Obama’s solid judgment. Obama went with the left wing anti-war wing of his party and with the way the country was leaning. McCain said the right thing to do is the surge even if it is not popular. He listened to the military leaders on the ground. Obama listened to what was politically expedient.

It was McCain who showed “proven leadership and solid judgment” not Obama.

And let’s not forget Obama’s “proven leadership and solid judgment” when Russia went deep into Georgia territory in their conflict over South Ossetia. As Reuters reported, Obama stated, “Now is the time for Georgia and Russia to show restraint

That’s like telling both the rapist and victim “to show restraint”.

The Columbian only provided sweeping generalizations in their endorsement of Obama. They provided no examples (i.e. evidence) to support their generalizations because the facts (i.e. evidence) would show their generalizations to be suspect.

McCain has proven his leadership over his years in the Senate, as a Navy fighter pilot, and as a POW. As this series has shown in the examples provided, McCain has shown solid judgment on the most critical issues of our time.

When intellectually honest people actually look at the FACTS it becomes clear that John McCain is far and above more qualified to lead the greatest nation on earth than Barak Obama.

Previous posts:
The Columbian Endorses Obama
Columbian Endorses Obama – Pt. 2
Columbian Endorses Obama – Leadership
Columbian Endorses Obama – Judgment

Updated: To add links for the Previous Post section.

Columbian Endorses Obama - Judgment

This is the fourth in a series of comments regarding The Columbian’s endorsement in the presidential campaign.

The Columbian claims that “any successful reformer must excel in leadership and judgment. In the past several months Obama has distanced himself as the superior candidate in those two areas.”

Regarding judgment, The Columbian claims that “Obama chose a running mate who neither hurt him in the polls nor diverted the spotlight from the main man on the ticket. McCain’s choice has done neither.”

Really? This is the main criteria for picking a Vice-President? A person who will be one heartbeat from the most powerful office in the world?

What shows greater leadership and judgment, picking someone who you think is the best person for the job even if it takes the spotlight from you or hurts you in the polls? Or picking someone who may be qualified but won’t divert you attention from yourself or hurt you in the polls. The first is a pick based on what is best for the country. The latter is a choice of political expediency. You tell me which shows greater leadership and judgment.

Second, the man he picked to bolster his lack of foreign policy, Joe Biden, voted against the first Gulf War to liberate Kuwait even though the UN and our allies were also in favor. He proposed dividing Iraq into ethnic partitions.

During the VP debate, Biden looked into the camera and told the country that Obama “did not say he’d sit down with Ahmadinejad” without preconditions even though Biden criticized Obama at the time on this very point. Further, Biden claimed that we “along with France” kicked Hezbollah out of Lebanon”, a reality that may have been realized in the Mirror universe on Star Trek but never occurred in ours.

McCain, in stark contrast, picked someone who immediately energized the Republican party and who he allowed to outshine him. Immediately, she was attacked by the media who published all sorts of unconfirmed rumors. She was demeaned as being stupid and not ready to be “a heartbeat” from the presidency even though she had a proven track record as a “successful reformer” (remember the Columbian’s criteria) and more executive experience than Obama who was running as the heartbeat of the presidency.

Neither Palin or Obama has any Foreign policy experience. That’s why Obama picked Joe Biden. So in an Obama presidency, foreign policy experience that has continually been wrong will be one heartbeat from the presidency. In a McCain presidency, foreign policy experience that has a track record of being right will be the heartbeat of the presidency.

When you care more about whether you are in the spotlight or if you will be hurt in the polls than the facts don’t matter.

Previous posts:
The Columbian Endorses Obama
Columbian Endorses Obama – Pt. 2
Columbian Endorses Obama – Leadership

Updated: To add links for the Previous Posts section.

Columbian Endorses Obama - Leadership

This is the third in a series of comments regarding The Columbian’s endorsement in the presidential campaign.

The Columbian claims that “any successful reformer must excel in leadership and judgment. In the past several months Obama has distanced himself as the superior candidate in those two areas.”

For leadership, they claim that Obama has united his own Democratic Party “even reaching beyond his party to speak to all Americans. McCain, in stark contrast, continues to slog through a fractious Republican Party that often is his worst enemy.”

Two problems exist with this assessment.

First, this is contradictory. A reformer often must fight their very own party. That’s the point. Reform comes from standing on principle against those who only care about their own self-interests. McCain has often gone against his own party standing upon the principles of what is good for the country. When you go against the powers to be, of course, there will be disunity.

Where has Obama ever gone against his party’s leadership? Where has he stood up and said “No!” to Pelosi and Reid? When you simply go along with others, of course, you are united with them. That’s what being united means! But it also means you are not necessarily a reformer.

Therefore, based on The Columbian’s own standard, that a “successful reformer must excel in leadership”, Obama fails the leadership criteria for being a successful reformer.

Second, if McCain is truly “slog[ging] through a fractious Republican Party” has is it that Obama continues to claim that McCain has sided with Bush over 90% of the time. In fact, the Democratic strategy has been to tie any Republican Congressional incumbent to Bush. In other words, the Republicans are united!

So if Obama’s claim is true about McCain then the Columbian’s claim that the Republican Party is rebellious, unruly, and irritable is false. If The Columbian’s claim is true then Obama and the Democratic Party are engaged in a lie. Either way, Obama fails to pass The Columbian’s own standard.

Previous posts:
The Columbian Endorses Obama
Columbian Endorses Obama – Pt. 2

Monday, November 03, 2008

Madelyn Payne Dunham 1922-2008

My sympathies go out to Senator Obama and his family tonight for the loss of their beloved grandmother. Of Dunham, Obama said:
"She's the one who taught me about hard work," he said. "She's the one who put off buying a new car or a new dress for herself so that I could have a better life. She poured everything she had into me."
Obama announced Dunham's passing to a rally by saying, "She's gone home." Losing a loved one is very difficult and even more so when they have had such an impact in one's life. Obama's comments tell us two things about the way the world actually is.

First, this life is about relationships. We can impact another's life for good or for ill. Dunham and her husband made a choice to be there for a young Obama when his parents, for whatever reason, were not.

Second, there is a comfort to knowing that our loved ones have "gone home". There remains a longing for them; an emptiness in their absence. But a peace also exists in knowing that, having turned our face toward our Creator, our loved ones live on where there is no more pain, no more suffering. There is only life.

I pray that in this difficult time for the Obama family that their memories of this beloved woman bring them comfort.

Columbian Endorses Obama - Pt. 2

I posted previously on The Columbian’s “no distinguishable impact” endorsement of Senator Barak Obama. They claimed that their opinion was “offered more to stimulate conversation than to change minds.” See The Columbian Endorses Obama for why their claim is specious.

I suspect their real motive was to provide cover for the audacious reasons The Columbian has for endorsing Obama.

They are quick to give a disclaimer that they “are wary of a few past relationships [Obama’s] had with controversial figures. McCain carries that same baggage to a lesser degree.”

Yet The Columbian provides no examples of these relationships for either candidate. They simply throw out a generalization with no corresponding evidence.

What do the following have in common besides having relationships with Senator Obama: Rev. Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, Father Michael Pfleger, Khalid al-Mansour, Kwame Kilpatrick, Louis Farrakhan, Tony Rezko, Rashid Khalidi, Raila Odinga.

The answer: Each has, in word and/or deed, expressed hatred for America. Some are explicit anti-Semites.

Are we to believe that Senator McCain has had relationships with haters of America? Really?

The Obama camp says that these were just happenstances of history, coincidences of bumping into these individuals while going about his life.

How is it, then, that Obama continually bumped into those who haters of America? How is it that McCain, 25 years older, has not happened upon anti-American individuals time after time? Could it be because Obama runs in those circles and McCain does not?

It speaks volumes that the only way The Columbian can make their endorsement seem credible is to smear Obama’s opposition.