Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Bombay bombing

Anyone that denies the pure evil of the ideology the world is facing received another punch in their collective guts in light of yesterday's Bombay train bombings which has killed 200 so far. I've spoken to this before in "The Time That Is Given to Us" including relaying Dennis Prager's observations of what faces the survivors.

While no one has yet claimed responsibility and the investigation is just starting, the Indian government suspects the perpetrators are Lashkar-e-Tayyaba, a Kashmiri militant group. According to the article, however, "former senior intelligence official, Ajit Doval, said the blasts were too sophisticated for the Kashmiri groups to have carried out on their own." Doval continues:

"This is the work of groups which are targeting India as a whole and are not Kashmir specific and are pursuing the larger jihadi agenda," said Doval, who maintains strong contacts in the intelligence community. "They are targeting countries and societies, particularly democratic ones, which they consider to be the antithesis of their version of Islam." (emphasis mine)

That is what we are fighting. Those that want to destroy those "they consider to be the antithesis of their version of Islam". New York, Washington D.C., London, Bali, Madrid, Bombay, Afganistan, and Iraq not to mention targeted individuals like Dutch film director Theo Van Gogh (who was killed for denouncing Islamist oppression of women), and Muslim riots over their dislike of cartoon dipictions of Mohammed are evidences of the radical ideology we face. Thankfully, most Muslims do not hold to that radicalism.

For the ones who do, civilization has only two options before us. We can fight this ideology and crush it. Or we can forgo freedom for their "version of Islam". Democracy or Sharia law. Freedom or tyranny.

I pray that India will be strengthened in their time of trial, that the survivors and their families will find comfort, that those who are filled with fear from these attacks would find peace, and resolve to the good people of this earth to stand against this evil.

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