Saturday, July 23, 2016

The 2016 Referendum On Our Souls

A friend on Facebook directed the following at me. My response to her follows.
Ladies and gentleman, Thomas Fleming: 
"I did not watch Trump’s 76 minute stem-winder, but if he does anything practical about the problems he denounced—unlimited immigration, insurgent Islam, criminal anarchy, and the deteriorating infrastructure that puts the experience of air travel in these United States somewhere between Moscow and Mogadishu airport--he will have justified the hope and trust so many people have put in his campaign. Even if the thieves in the bipartisan kleptocracy known as Congress frustrate his every attempt to restore sanity, some Americans, at least, will take heart from the effort.  
There is very little that I like about Mr. Trump. Indeed, he is almost everything I most detest in the modern American character: He is a blowhard and boaster, a bit of a bully, a gambler and a buffoon, a greed-crazed plutocrat, and a serial adulterer. On the other hand, he has at least two redeeming qualities. He is not a Leftist, which means he does not hate this country, its people, its religion, or its traditions; and he is not a "conservative," which means he is not smarmy hypocrite who talks all day long about values but sells out his constituents to the highest bidder and the American people to global interests... 
No one in my lifetime—certainly no “conservative Republican”—has done a thing to stop the revolutionary juggernaut that is riding down and crushing to death every wholesome tradition and vital institution. Perhaps the most pathetic people in America are those who wish to preserve the “legacy” of Ronald Reagan. Reagan’s only legacy is failure and betrayal on every major front. Oh, yes, he won the Cold War. That is a bit like saying Ronald Reagan won the GOP nomination in 1980 by defeating Harold Stassen.. 
If Ted Cruz, loyal Republican and decent Christian that he claims to be, wanted to snub Donald Trump, he could have done it very simply in Texas by turning off the television and having a good time. Instead he chose to betray his sacred party and to break his word. He has always behaved like the classic bully-- "He can dish it out but he can't take it"--but his smarmy attempt to work the tip for his own advantage showed he was not only a poor sport but a rotten showman.... 
On other hand, who cares? Let Cruz spend the rest of his life flirting with the anti-Christian NeverTrump crowd at National Review and The Weekly Standard. All of them are milk-and-water leftists, dishing out the same state-capitalist swill they stole from FDR and LBJ. “I didn’t leave the Democratic Party,” the senior neocons were forever whining, “the Democratic Party left me.” There is no more pathetic specimen in the political universe than the flotsam and jetsam left behind by the advancing revolutionary tide. 
Trump may be a braggart and a buffoon, but, thank goodness, he is not a conservative." 
H/T Darrell Dow 

My thoughts:

If we don't like Cruz. Fine.

If we want President Trump. Fine. I may even vote Trump myself. 

The U.S. allied with Stalin to stop a greater evil at that particular moment. But let's not corrupt our character by pretending Trump is something other than a man of deeply flawed character flaws. Let us stay on message that defeats Hillary. 

And now I have Christian friends (not just Facebook acquaintances) blocking me. Trump, Cruz, Reagan are NOT our Saviours. 

Our Sovereign will judge our character. So while we may ally with a deeply flawed candidate, we must be honest about it. If we don't, the cost isn't a temporal country, it is a corrupted soul. As your brother in Christ, please be careful. 

There may be more at stake here then an election.

Originally posted on Facebook July 22, 2016

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