Thursday, June 16, 2005

Mythical Conclusions From The Schiavo Autopsy

Sample Headlines
Columbian (Vancouver, WA): "Autopsy: Terri Schiavo was beyond medical help"
Oregonian (Portland, OR): "Autopsy: Schiavo's status was irreversible"
AP: "Schiavo Autopsy Shows Massive Brain Damage"
Melinda Penner of Stand to Reason writes why these articles miss the point. As Penner states, "None of us are valuable because of the things we can do or offer society; we are valuable in virtue of the kind of beings we are."
From the AP story:
"This damage was irreversible, and no amount of therapy or treatment would have regenerated the massive loss of neurons," said Pinellas-Pasco County Medical Examiner Dr. Jon Thogmartin, who led the autopsy team. He also said she was blind, because the "vision centers of her brain were dead." See Penner's comments.

George Felos, attorney for Michael Schiavo, said the findings back up their contentions made "for years and years" that Terri Schiavo had no hope of recovery. Think of all the terminal people in the world. Guess we can just off them

The finding that she was blind counters a widely seen videotape released by her parents of Terri Schiavo in her hospice bed. The video showed Schiavo appearing to turn toward her mother's voice and smile. She moaned and laughed. Her head moved up and down and she seemed to follow the progress of a brightly colored Mickey Mouse balloon. The parents said the video that showed she was aware of her surroundings, but doctors said her reactions were automatic responses and not evidence of consciousness. ... The parents said the video that showed she was aware of her surroundings, but doctors said her reactions were automatic responses and not evidence of consciousness. This is interesting not only in the diagnosis she was blind but, also, that there was no explanation given for why she would follow the balloons. It's hard to imagine "primitive visionary reflexes" occurring if she was blind. As to the correlation of brain function and consciousness, see my previous post "Philosophy As Medical Omniscience".

The cause of death was ruled dehydration from removal of the feeding tube, but the underlying reason for her brain damage was officially listed as "undetermined." In other words, she wasn't dying. She would not have died except that the tube was removed. Michael Sciavo and George Felos basically said Terri can be killed because she does not have any value in our eyes.
As to the Columbian's Headline that Schiavo was "beyond medical help"; no she was not. Terri was not beyond medical help. She was receiving, at the very minimum, the medical help someone in her position requires: basic nutritional care. She was only considered "beyond help" to those who see no value in helping those that are less fortunate in physical or mental ability. She was "beyond help" to those in power who say another must obtain their definition of consciousness.

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