Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Embryonic Stem Cell Research

On Tuesday, The U.S. House passed a bill expanding public funding for embryonic stem cell research. A CNN report stated "Supporters point out there are embryos in fertility clinics that would never be used to create babies, but could be used for research purposes." (emphasis added) On the Al Franken show today, Al and his guest described that the bill "only uses embryos that would be destroyed (or discarded) embryos anyways." (emphasis added)

Scientifically speaking, when a human sperm and a human egg unite there is a unique human being. Embryo is simply a term to described the stage of development of that human being. Therefore, a human embryo is "the developing human individual from the time of implantation to the end of the eighth week after conception." (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)

So let's substitute the stage of development terminology with the ontological (i.e. nature of being) terminology in the two above statements.

"Supporters point out there are human beings in fertility clinics that would never be used to create babies, but could be used for research purposes."

Al Franken and Guest: the bill "only uses human beings that would be destroyed (or discarded) human beings anyways."

Of course, we can redefine their humanity by obfuscate the true nature of those human beings using sterile sounding scientific terms. Then we kill them in the name of helping people with horrible diseases.

To hear in the corridors of the laboratories, a Dr. Franken-stein exclaiming, "It's Alive!"

That is, the doctrine of "Some Life Is Unworthy of Life".
Not the human embryo. It was being discarded anyway.

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