Sunday, May 08, 2005

Un-Civil Unions

The May 5 Oregonian states of Senate Bill 1000, "Would allow same-sex couples to enter into civil unions, granting them the same rights under state law as married couples."

Oregon voters just last November passed, by 56%, a constitutional amendment defining marriage as one man, one woman. Supporters of SB 1000 state the bill does not grant marriage. Let's do a little thought experiment to determine the difference between item tow items.

Item #1 contains consists of components A, B, and C. We'll call it item ABC.
Item #2 contains consists of components A, B, and C. Calling it item XYZ doesn't mean it is different from item ABC.

But supporters of SB 1000 say if we call it XYZ then it is not ABC. If civil unions grant the same rights under state law as marriage then civil unions is the same as marriage:

(civil union rights) same as (marriage rights)
(civil union rights) = (marriage rights)
Supporters counter that civil unions is not like marriage because it does not offer the federal rights of marriage. The flaw with their argument is that the state does not have control over the federal realm only the state realm. (Not to mention the argument against the Federal Marriage Amendment which was the states should decide; of course states can only decide what is in the state's realm). Therefore, since civil unions grant the same rights as marriage then civil unions is marriage in the eyes of the state. And as such it violates the clearly stated will of the majority of Oregon voters.
But then, as we have seen many times in the past, the drive to normalize same-sex relationships rarely acknowledges, let alone bows, to the will of the people.

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